Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Things Fall Apart

So I wrote an entire paper on this novel.  I guess it just interested me.

This time however, I'm going to talk about the daughter.  She prefers to act as a boy; She sits like a boy, talks like a boy, and wants to do male tasks.  Now, the question is why does she do this?

There is the first option that tends to feel that it's because she is just programmed that way.  Genetically, she may have a predisposition towards acting as a male child.  At some point, there is the possibility that there was something in her brain that made it easier for her to act as a male.  She could be, in theory, a male in a female body.  However, her actions do not come across as that far off of a rebellious female.  She is able to conform, she just doesn't want to.

The second option would be that she is a child of her environment.  She wants her father's love and support and doesn't get it from him. She knows her brother does and she begins to crave that.  the difference between her and her brother is the fact he is male.  When a child wants something and knows that it is possible if something is added to them, they start to do that.  In this case, the girl has penis envy, according to Freud.

When it comes down to it, it's a nature/nurture question.  In this case however, I feel that the evidence points mostly to the second option which is a nurture issue.  There may be a part of her that is less agreeable which would be genetic, but again, the bigger part of it is the upbringing.

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